Posts Tagged ‘moral’

Go Pro for Child discipline

Hey, The topic Today will be “Child discipline”.

Now, i know that cultures and rules are different in every country, so if i get something wrong, dont hesitate to comment about it. Just to let you know, ill be making references to different countries and how they manage their kids.

So why am i talking about this topic? well, after noticing an ‘event’, i began thinking… Why are kids these days, soo uncontrollable? To put it straight, i mean they are abusive, stubborn and VERY IMPULSIVE! Could it because they are the ‘new’ generation? Because they are merely ‘kids’? or because of the corruption in society?

Sounds a bit extreme yeah? Though the points i put forward ALL influence they same ‘uncontrollable attitude’ to kids, the major influence would be the corruption in society. Ill explain, then ill provide some evidence for my accusations, and then some insight to my own experiences.

The laws put forward by the Australian Government restrict the levels of discipline. I believe there are three types of discipline. Harsh and Strong, Mediocre but
‘Guiltful’ and Soft and Stupid.
The Harsh and Strong type of discipline is the ‘Whacking of the Bottom with a wooden spoon’, ‘holding their earlobe’ or whatever physical abuse to teach a kid the ‘plain and straight forward idea not to do the thing that made him deserve the punishment’.
The Mediocre but ‘Guiltful’ type of discipline is to either ‘send them into the corner of a dark room and let them stand there for an hour’, ‘restrict dinner from them but then give it to them before they sleep’ or the use of reverse psychology as they all make the child understand their wrong doing and so this prevents them from committing another wrong doing.
The Soft and Stupid type of discipline is ‘to tell the kid to go into a timeout room which is full of toys’, ‘to point your finger and wave the ‘no no’ sign’, or to say ‘you have been a naughty boy/girl!’…..

In regard, the Australian law tells parents that hitting or abusing a kid is illegal and will result in 200 hours of parent counseling and/or some court trial. They restrict the Discipline level to Soft and Stupid (employed in all kindergarten to year 6) and by many parents. In relation, America also has similar laws to this.

There is this type of diagnosis for kids who have uncontrollable behaviors such as fidgeting, excessive talking, impulsive, stubborn, abusive, distracted. It is known that there are more kids with this disorder in America, England and Australia than in Asia. Seriously, im not being racist here (im russian/chinese), but i bet you have also noticed that more American, English and Aussie kids are noisy then Asian kids. I not saying this for all of them, but for some. Now, i know that the way a kid is brought up, influences how they act and that is why not everyone Asian and western kid follow this assumption, but that is what i am trying to say… Discipline affects the way a kid ‘works’. This is true: Chinese parents, use the Harsh and Strong when the kid is still infant (less than 12 yrs old) and the Mediocre but ‘Guiltfull’ (13 and up). Whilst SOME Western parents usually use the mediocre or soft and stupid but occasionally the harsh and strong methods.

Now, for personal experience:
I was walking with my mum, holding the groceries whilst Coles (Groceries market), paid for the stuff and then went to go to Big W (department store) for some other stuff. So we were both looking at stuff on the Shelves and then, WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU, *smashes chips and drinks onto the floor and then starts rolling around on the floor banging his little fists onto the tiled floor. Me and mum stood watching along with almost the whole store. The mother then pulls the kid up and points to his nose, says ‘just this once’, picks up the chips and drink from the floor and places them into her cart. i tell my mum to go do whatever she needs to do and i just stand there waiting for something else that might be exciting. So im watching that parent and her 4-6 year old looking child go to a counter, The kid pulls are the mum’s dress and points to some Ben 10 watch (green and bulky) and the mother just ignores him. THEN, the kid takes the watch and puts it into his friggin pocket. they pay and just when they leave, the alarm goes off and the mother is like wtf. The kid starts crying (probably coz of the noise) and then well, she figures the kid took something and then bloody pays for it and leaves….
I stood there, appalled! What has society turned into??
Companies strategically placing kid’s toys in the kids field of vision, the parents accepting and forgiving nature to the kid’s obvious problems, the naivety of the parent’s mind, thinking that the kid is only a kid and doesnt know, the lack of control the parent has over her child…The perfect scenario that shows ‘us’ the people, a major and almost INVISIBLE problem that is destroying us.
After a while, my mum comes back with the stuff and then we go to the counter, pays for stuff, leaves. While walking, i ask her about that situation earlier, i said ‘Hey, when i was that young, did i ever do that too?’, mum looks at me ‘you wouldnt!, you were too scared to do that!’ .> (but no pain, no gain) or (learn from you mistakes..the hard way…)

Now, i can easily assume that the parent is not fit to be a parent. She does not discipline her son, merely for moral issues and the insurance from the government that it is only a phase (who can ever trust politicians or their ‘puppet’ prime minister). The excuse for such behaviors is the name of a disease… and this disease is more apparent in America/England/Australia than in Asia… coincidence? i think not… (Asia also have higher educational standards than western society as they have more discipline AND better tests results in their schools, infact, in china, the educational standards are so good, the pass mark was made to be 65).

However, what im talking about is the punishment for doing wrongs. i want to make this crystal and ‘SCAREINGLY’ CLEAR!
Your parents love you, What ever they do, they do for your good, NOT FOR FUN (for most parents though)

So in conclusion, i want to say that harsh discipline for children is needed to get them to control their attitudes. It is not immoral to hit your kid if they did something wrong because it tell the child that what they did was wrong while only saying no is a clear ways of conveying the message. It is only immoral if you spoil your child with no discipline thinking that you love them too much because as they grow older, they will show very bad attitudes and behaviors and in the end, you will wonder what you did wrong. However, this does not give you the reason to hurt your child for any reason, it must be reasonable and the punishment must not be too severe (common sense)

here are some links that relate to Child problems and Parental negligence: